Lonely Planet has selected some of the best hikes & walks in Ireland, and we have to admit – they’re on our top list too! Read on to discover more and start planning your next visit now.

Include these beautiful locations on your next private guided tour of Ireland – chat with your Ireland Chauffeur Travel Advisor, and they will incorporate any of these into your next itinerary! 

The Great Sugar Loaf, County Wicklow

One of Ireland’s most recognizable hikes & one that suits the whole family, the Great Sugar Loaf gets its name from resembling a giant pile of sugar. This short walk includes a steep scramble to the summit that makes for breath-taking panoramic views. On a clear day you can see all the way across the Irish Sea to Snowdonia in Wales. Pretty impressive for a mountain that stands at only 501m (1643ft) tall.


Carrauntoohill, County Kerry

The highest peak in Ireland and a challenging climb. Be aware of the difficulty and potential falling rocks from above before embarking on this hike across the MacGillycuddy’s Reeks. Magnificent views from the 1,039m summit, your tour consultant will source a local guide providing the safest route to help you reach the summit.


Croagh Patrick, County Mayo

A unique hiking experience and a pilgrimage for many locals. On Reek Sunday (the last Sunday in July), thousands of pilgrims hike up to the summit to attend mass in honor of St Patrick and some will even hike barefoot as an act of penance. The summit offers some of the most incredible views of Clew Bay, a natural ocean bay that contains 365 islands.



Mt Errigal, County Donegal

A new trail and stairs have been added to this beautiful mountain to make it that bit easier to reach the summit providing stunning views. If you’re looking to catch a sunrise or sunset then Errigal is the hike for you. The 360 degree views of Donegal guarantee the perfect vantage point to watch the sunrise and sunset.


Stairway to Heaven, County Fermanagh

The Stairway to Heaven trail is part of Cuilcagh Mountain Park, a special area of conservation. It is one of the most intact blanket bogs in Western Europe and the boardwalk allows for  access while also protecting this delicate eco-system from erosion. The perfect picture opportunity on your trip of Ireland.
