Martin Wilde
Senior Driver Guide
Martin is one of Ireland Chauffeur Travel’s most respected leisure touring driver guides, with a passion for service and great experiences. He is skilled at finding wonderful dining experiences and taking clients on a magical journey through Ireland with his great wit and wisdom.
Born in County Dublin, but living in the Kingdom (that’s County Kerry) for the past 22 years, Martin is passionate about creating unforgettable experiences for our guests on their vacations. Hayfield Manor in Cork is one of his favourite spots – he reckons that the friendly and helpful staff make this a particularly special place to stay. Mulcahy’s of Kenmare is also on his top list for great food spots, offering great food and great value.
If Martin’s guests are keen on hiking, he would suggest a trip to the Gougane Beara – a beautiful area of Forest Park in Cork covering over 339 acres. It’s the ideal place to hike, get in touch with nature, picnic (which we will be delighted to arrange) and inhale the fresh air. There are 6 walking trails to suit all levels of fitness, but if walking isn’t your thing, you can cycle or drive the most spectacular routes there too.
Martin is an expert on Irish history and geography, so feel free to quiz him as he’s guiding you through your trip – he’s particularly fond of the story of Gráinne Mhaol – that’s the Irish/ Gaelic for Grace O’Malley, a legendary Pirate Queen who met with Queen Elizabeth I to seek release of her captured sons – an inspiring feminist still held in awe in Ireland today.
“Martin Wilde made our trip so special! He was so knowledgeable, courteous, accommodating, and flexible. However, he really outdid himself when we were looking for the town where my father was born and raised.”